Brad is delighted with a recent series of upgrades. As me, he has discovered the Briks are more than capable of keeping up with heavy-hitting front-end electronics. An active Briks powered by SNAXO/SC2, in my mind, is the only way to go.
His next addition?
An inevitable 552.
Other speaker he owned: Mission 753 Freedoms | Quad ELS63/Gradient SW63s
Tannoy DC3000s
Brad comments: "There were various other Mission speakers before the Tannoys, but I can't remember what they were.
I really liked the Quad/Gradient combo, but when I got married, nothing overt was said, but tycho monoliths 1 & 2 had to go following a house move from my bachelor pad! The 753s were a ridiculous trade for the Quad/Gradients, and I was so disappointed at the loss of performance that I gave up listening to music for about 5 years. Headfi got me back into music, and a chance reading of an article about briks set me on my road back to salvation and my current system."